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Our offers

The project "Start: Self-determined participation in the labor market" offers a comprehensive range of courses and events for women with refugee or migration experience in the region and city of Hanover, which support them in starting a job.

Career orientation courses

You can learn this in our courses: 

  • What am I good at and where
    Do I want to work? 

  • What training and professions are there in Germany? 

  • How do I find a job or training? 

  • How do I write an application? 

  • How can job centers and employment agencies help me?


Adult Students

Individual consultation 

You make an appointment and we will advise you – alone or with your family. You can ask questions, for example about work, training, childcare and job centers. We have various offers to support you. 


Language cafes

You can talk to other women and improve your German. 

Led by a lecturer. 

Leadership Presentation


Our empowerment program is made up of several complementary offers.

Peer mentoring

You can meet other women with professional experience. From them you can get helpful tips for your job and everyday life in Germany. 

Business Consultation

Computer courses

You will learn how to use a computer and find information on the Internet - for example, to write an application. 

Female Student
Art Class


Consultation  on childcare in Germany.



START builds bridges between employers and the participating women through information events, workshops and get-to-know-you events and networking. The aim is to raise awareness among companies.

F., Teilnehmerin

“Das Start Projekt hat mir geholfen, den richtigen Weg zu finden. Außerdem sind die Mitarbeitenden so behilflich und so nett."

T., Teilnehmerin

"Das START Projekt hat mir sehr gut gefallen, weil ich mein Traumjob erreichen kann. Wenn ich alleine bin, ist es für mich sehr schwer. Vielen Dank für alles."

D., Teilnehmerin

“Ich habe viele Sachen gelernt, z.B. wie man Bewerbungen und Lebenslauf schreibt und paar andere Dinge. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich euch kennengelernt habe.
Ich danke euch für eure Hilfe.”


Self-determined participation in the labor market

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Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 27

30159 Hannover

IRC Germany is a non-profit company with limited liability. Copyright © International Rescue Committee, 2024.

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