imprint is a site of the project “START: Self-determined participation in the labor market” project. The project is carried out by the International Rescue Committee Germany (IRC), FöTEV-Nds e.V. and the Ukrainian Association in Lower Saxony e.V. (UVN). It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) as part of the “My Turn – Women with migration experience get started” program.

IRC Germany
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Germany gGmbH
(non-profit limited liability company)
Commercial Register: District Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registration number: 181447 B
Corina Pfitzner (ViSdP), Harlem Désir
Supervisory Board :
Rhoda Berger
Kathrin Jungehülsing (Chair)
Anna Sophie Herken
Solveigh Hiernomus
Walid Naqshbandi
Kara Preedy
Nina Pütz
Majda Ruge
Alexander Schlaubitz
Dr. Rupert Graf Strachwitz
Elke Walthelm
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Germany
Wattstraße 11
13355 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 5520 4697
Image rights on
The copyright of all images lies with International Rescue Committee, FöTEV NDS eV and UVN eV. The commercial use of publications and images published on this website is not permitted.
liability notice
International Rescue Committee assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
concept, design & implementation
Hind Mohammad