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START: Self-determined participation in the labor market

A project for women with refugee or migration experience in the region and city of Hanover

2023 - 2025

In Germany, access to the labor market and qualification programs is difficult for immigrant women, especially women with a refugee background. A key obstacle here is the lack of connection to advisory structures; these are unknown and often difficult to access for immigrants due to the bureaucratic effort.

At the same time, women often have extensive family responsibilities. Due to a lack of childcare options, balancing work and family life becomes a major challenge. The majority of women (and families) affected have very limited financial resources, are dependent on government aid and have only limited qualifications. The project “START – Self-determined participation in the labor market” is carried out as part of the “My Turn – women with migration experience get started” and strives to break down the barriers mentioned and support immigrant women on their way to economic independence.  

Our mission and goals

The START project, together with the project partners Federation of Turkish Parents' Association in Lower Saxony (FöTEV-Nds e.V.) and the Ukrainian Association in Lower Saxony e.V. (UVN e.V.), offers career orientation courses, empowerment, individual advice, language cafés, peer monitoring and computer courses for immigrant women with increased support needs at. Furthermore, on the one hand, women are supported in achieving the compatibility of family and work and, on the other hand, round tables are organized with important actors in child and youth work in the region and city of Hanover. START networks and sensitizes employers with regard to women with refugee and migration experience as employees. Participating women are supported in finding work, internships and educational opportunities.


Labor market integration

Supporting immigrant women with their integration into the labor market and economic participation


Work-life balance

Reducing barriers to combining work and family, e.g. B. by providing advice on childcare options



Promoting women with refugee and migration experience as well as equality between women and men



Networking of important actors in the region and city of Hanover in order to work together to counteract the disadvantage of our clients not only on an individual but also on a structural level

START: Self-determined participation in the labor market is a joint project by:


The START project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus (ESF PLUS) as part of the “My Turn – Women with migration experience get started” program.


Self-determined participation in the labor market

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Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 27

30159 Hannover

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